Get Pumped Up with David Scott Peters and Restaurant Marketer Matt Plapp

restaurant marketing restaurant podcast vision
Podcast Episode with David Scott Peters and Matt Plapp

As a restaurant owner, you won’t want to leave your restaurant’s future to chance, but it can be overwhelming to set goals and develop the plans you need to achieve them. One proven way to get clear on your goals is to put them in writing. and share them with your team. This kind of vision, or a vivid vision, can give you the direction you need to drive sales, build a strong culture and ultimately achieve long-term success.

In this episode of my podcast, “The Restaurant Prosperity Formula,” Matt Plapp and I talk about the importance of having a vision. Plapp is the dynamic founder and CEO of America's Best Restaurants, a trailblazing marketing agency dedicated to helping independent restaurants grow by telling their stories, acquiring customers and building unstoppable sales momentum. Plapp’s energy and passion for the restaurant industry are undeniable and during our conversation, we dove deep into the concept of having a "vivid vision" and how it can transform your business.

A clear path to success

One of the key takeaways from our chat was the importance of having a vivid vision for your business. Plapp drew inspiration from “Vivid Vision,” a book by Cameron Herold, known for taking 1-800-GOT-JUNK from a $1 million company to a $100 million one. The idea is simple: if you want to achieve greatness, you need to be crystal clear on where you're headed. It’s not enough to just dream big; you need to articulate your vision, put it in writing and share it with everyone around you — employees, vendors, even banks.

Plapp shared a personal story of writing his first vivid vision back in December 2019, when ABR was just a small team working out of a modest office. Today, ABR occupies a 9,000 square-foot space and employs 40 to 45 people, a significant leap from where they started. What's more, much of this growth was outlined in Plapp’s vivid vision — proof that a clear, well-communicated plan can lead to incredible results.

The power of writing it down

Reflecting on his vivid vision, Plapp emphasized the power of writing things down. This practice doesn’t just help him stay focused, but it also gets everyone on his team aligned. Every week, they revisit their vision in team meetings, and it's used as a guide when interviewing new employees, talking to vendors and engaging with stakeholders.

One particularly eye-opening moment came when Plapp realized that a significant part of his vision had come true without him even being fully aware of it. His vision had mentioned being in Las Vegas celebrating the success of the business. Fast forward, ABR acquired a software company based in Las Vegas, Repeat Returns, and that acquisition played a pivotal role in their growth.

Why every restaurant needs a vivid vision

This brings us to the crux of Plapp’s message for restaurant owners: your business needs a vivid vision, too. Many independent restaurant owners face the same challenges — staffing, customer retention, and standing out in a crowded market. Plapp argues that a clear vision is what sets successful restaurants apart. It’s not enough to just make good food. You need to show your employees why they should be excited to work for you, explain to your customers why they should keep coming back, and convey to your vendors why they should partner with you.

Imagine if, instead of just being another burrito shop, you had a roadmap that explained to potential employees why your burrito shop was the one worth working for. Your vision can give your business purpose and direction, helping you attract not just customers, but also passionate employees and partners who believe in what you're trying to achieve.

Building a culture of success

Plapp also spoke about the importance of building a strong culture within your business, a point driven home in his vivid vision. A vivid vision isn’t just about setting goals—it’s about getting buy-in from everyone around you and ensuring they’re all working toward the same destination.

For Plapp, success at ABR has been a team effort, with everyone aligned behind the company’s core values of positivity, growth, and collaboration. This clarity has empowered his team to make decisions that drive the business forward, even when Plapp isn’t directly involved.

Why sales are at the core of ABR’s mission

At the heart of Plapp’s vivid vision for ABR is one thing: driving sales for the restaurants they work with. As Plapp points out, restaurant owners already know how to run their kitchens and manage their staff. What they often struggle with is marketing their business and getting customers in the door. That’s where ABR comes in. 

Plapp’s company recently merged their marketing agency with a software business to create Dryver, a powerful restaurant marketing tool that not only helps restaurants acquire customers but also provides ongoing coaching to ensure those customers keep coming back. The mission is simple: help independent restaurants drive sales, so they can thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Take action: Craft your own vivid vision

Plapp’s advice to restaurant owners (and all entrepreneurs) is clear: if you want to achieve prosperity, you need to have a vivid vision. Take the time to isolate yourself and think about where you want to take your business in the next three years. What does success look like to you? Write it down, share it with your team, and revisit it regularly to ensure you're staying on track.

If you're serious about elevating your restaurant and achieving the prosperity you've been working toward, a vivid vision could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

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