How Restaurant Technology Can Benefit Your Business

Restaurant technology is a hard topic, especially when it comes to deciding how restaurant technology can benefit your business specifically. My guest today is the only person I can think of who can do it justice and make it clear. Jeremy Julian is the host and producer of The Restaurant Technology Guys podcast and blog, and he the COO of Custom Business Solutions, Inc., a family owned and operated restaurant technology company. I can tell you first hand that Jeremy is an expert in his field and a top notch provider as I used his company personally 20 plus years ago when I was a franchisor and we needed someone to literally save the day.
Click below to watch Jeremy and I answer all your restaurant technology questions, download the episode wherever you get podcasts, or find it here.
Restaurant technology can benefit your business in so many ways. Efficiency, accuracy, flow, consistency are all benefits of restaurant technology. But what kinds of technology tools are worth the investment?
In this episode of Restaurant Prosperity Formula, Jeremy and I talk about:
- How software and restaurant technology is either an investment or an expense depending on how you use it
- Knowing what problem you’re trying to solve before you seek out the technology to solve it
- What to look for in a technology advisor
- The importance of tech support
Jeremy also offers predictions of the problems restaurants will be facing in the future and how technology will step up to solve it. Jeremy is a resource, and I encourage you to listen to this episode to get a new perspective on how technology can benefit your restaurant and what to think about when you’re considering technology.
Get more technology insight from Jeremy and listen to his podcast, The Restaurant Technology Guys podcast.
Click the podcast player above to listen in, or you can watch the video on YouTube, click here to download the latest episode.