How to Make All Your Restaurant Business Dreams Come True

In my almost 20 years of being a restaurant coach, I have learned what a restaurant owner's most important challenges are, how to fix them and how to help them make their restaurant business dreams come true. How do I do it? Restaurant owners – you – have all the power. I simply teach you what needs to be done and then coach you along the way. Tune into this episode of The Restaurant Prosperity Formula, I describe who would benefit the most from having a coach, share some benefits I’ve personally seen from investing in coaching, cover the specifics of what a restaurant coach does and what to look for in the coach.
I've been helping restaurant owners change their lives and businesses through workshops, seminars, group coaching and one-on-one coaching since 2003. I’ve worked with thousands of restaurant owners, and just like with them, I want to help you ask yourself some tough questions about what you want for your restaurant and your life and if a coach is something you could use to get there.
Before we go into what a restaurant coach does, let’s talk about who can benefit from having a coach:
- Has a growth mindset
- Wants more from their business or life
- Wants to have a life outside of work
- Understands they don’t know what they don’t know
- Willing to follow a proven blueprint to success
- Wants someone to guide them and hold them accountable
- Wants to speed up the process
These are signals that you’re ready for a coach and that a coach could have a big impact.
Personally, I’ve benefited from coaching several times, starting back in high school.
- Using a coach helped me improve my physical and mental stamina and get a rowing scholarship to a D1 college.
- My college rowing coach helped me be the best athlete I could be and the best person I could be.
- And now at this point in my life, I have a coach who is whipping me back into shape, and I’ve changed my body, my health and my mindset.
- In business, I’ve used coaches multiple times to teach me what I didn’t know. I’m all about growing and new ideas and coaches have helped me tackle that growth and innovation successfully.
- I’ve had marketing coaches, new business coaches and a coach to help me write a book (Restaurant Prosperity Formula: What Successful Restaurateurs Do).
I look for coaches every time I want to learn something I don't know.
Look at all the top athletes: Tiger Woods, Steph Curry, Serena Williams. Their success comes from having the best coaches to guide them, teach them, mentor them and hold them accountable.
A coach is someone who teaches you exactly what you need to do to be successful. A coach helps you set expectations for success, for getting the work done, and how to get the most out of anyone on your team. A coach is going to show you where you spend your time and your energy and how to measure your success.
Now, I will be very clear. A coach is not a savior. You don't get a coach to change you. I don't have a magic fairy wand. You have to take responsibility. If you invest in a coach, you're investing in yourself. And while coach should be nurturing and supportive, they should also be willing to be hard on you, expect more from you and help you make changes in your life and business. They don’t do the work for you (that’s a consultant and when they go away, no one knows how to do anything). They teach you how to do it and make it a part of your day-to-day and part of who you are. They help change your company culture to make it something that stays because you know exactly how to do it, how well it should be done and by when.
How does a restaurant coach help you in your restaurant?
- They should teach you the restaurant systems you need to put in place to make the money you deserve. The systems that allow you to be able to impose your will without being there. Systems that allow managers to be there and still operate like you're there every single day.
- A restaurant coach is going to help keep you and your team stay on course, create your budget (your proactive plan for success), define your core values so you can create the right culture and help keep you on the path toward success.
- A good restaurant coach isn’t going to accept excuses for why you're not getting success out of your business, or why you can't get out of your business. A good restaurant coach gives you the solutions, teaches you and your team and then holds you accountable to those solutions.
When selecting a coach, look for someone that fits your personality, helps you as I’ve outlined above and doesn’t do the work for you. If they do the work for you and fail to teach you and team the systems, it all goes away when the coach is gone, and you will revert to your old ways.
If you want to push yourself, push your business, and get to where you have restaurant prosperity, which is freedom from your restaurant and the financial freedom you deserve, then a restaurant coach is a great way to get there. That is how you make all your restaurant dreams come true.
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