How to Run a Successful Restaurant: Plans for Post-lockdown

Do you want to hear about how to run a successful restaurant explained with plans for post-lockdown? Right now, operating with COIVD-19 restrictions feels like you are taking a beating. You're going up against Rocky in the first Rocky, and you are just getting beat to hell. But I’m here to tell you there's a way to get through this, to make money again, to keep people employed, to bring your customers back. Watch the video below or keep scrolling to read three things to include in your plan for recovery.
Running a restaurant is hard enough without adding a global pandemic into the mix. But I have a plan for how to put your post-pandemic plan together. And I'm going to be unapologetic that what I'm about to share with you requires you to do work.
Number one, you need a budget. If you've been following me for any time, I've been doing this since 2003 and I've literally coached thousands upon thousands of restaurant owners and managers, you’ve heard me say it before. The number one system you must put in place is a budget.
I know, it sends shudders down your spine, right? Especially right now. You’re short on time, you don't have enough cooks, and you’re on the line. It doesn't matter. As an owner, your job in life is to work on budgets, lead your team, work on marketing and move your business forward. Your budget is your proactive plan for success. See, by putting your budget in place, you can look at your past and develop the next 12 months. You can use your COVID-19 sales for right now. Reflecting on that information gives you a general idea of where you may hit. You have a general idea of where your labor may be with any new positions with added takeout. You have enough information from the past eight months to put together a plan for success. The budget helps you identify where you can have an impact, like with food cost, going down from 32 percent to 26 percent. It can show you where you’re bleeding and can ask for a reprieve, such as a landlord or a service you don’t really need. Creating this budget does require work, but you don't have a choice.
Number two, you need to deliver on great hospitality. Right? You want to make it? The truth of the matter is delivering great hospitality, hot food hot, cold food cold, a clean, safe work environment for the guests and employees, wow customer service and an incredible product is essential to your long-term success. You need to offer great hospitality, creating memories for your guests. That’s what you were put here to do. And by doing that, you set yourself out from your competition, especially today. Don’t forget that this idea includes making sure your food travels well no matter who is delivering it. Also, make sure you have sanitation practices that are visible so your guests feel safe.
Number three, you need to become the leader your restaurant needs. Here's the deal. When I work with my restaurant owners in my membership program, we identify the type of owner personality you are. In my experience coaching restaurant owners, they tend to fall into two different camps.
- There is the owner who pays attention to numbers but doesn’t communicate really well.
- Or there is the owner who focuses on the guest and employee experience, but doesn’t pay close attention to the numbers.
Neither of these types of restaurant owners is right or wrong. What’s true about each one is neither of them is making the money they deserve because they’re operating with only one side of the coin. That’s why systems work so well. They make up for those weaknesses.
For example, for owners who love the numbers but aren't great at communicating, systems serve as the conduit for communication, how to offer proper cleanliness and service, and all the things that make sure the guest has the best experience possible. If you’re that person who is better at taking care of the guests and employees, and not great at the numbers, systems five you the numbers and all you have to do it follow them and hold your team accountable to them. You’ll hit your numbers and offer great experiences for your guests.
None of us are perfect, but systems take care of those deficiencies and help you lead your team to success. In today's day and age, your business needs you to be a leader more now than ever.
If you're looking to put together your plan for post lockdown, remember these three things.
Be sure to visit my YouTube channel for more helpful restaurant management video tips.
If you would like to learn how to own a restaurant that doesn't depend on you to be successful, click here to watch a free video lesson that teaches you exactly what you have to do.