Make More Money in your Restaurant Starting Today

If you want to make more money in your restaurant, it starts today. And what I tell you in this video will give you freedom from your restaurant. If you take my tips to heart, you will get to a point where you can actually leave your restaurant and know things are being done your way. You’ll have a management team you can trust. You will make the money you deserve. Watch this video, or continue scrolling, for seven steps to make more money in your restaurant today.
Make more money in your restaurant today.
Right now I'm going to give you a seven steps to making more money.
Number one, you have to have a budget. No restaurant coach or consultant can help you properly with your business if you don't have a budget. How do we know what success looks like for you and your business based off your core values, where you're located in the country or this world, your price point, style of service or quality of product. Your budget is critical.
Number two, you need to implement a system I call the restaurant checkbook guardian. It’s also known as the purchase allotment system. How can you give up ordering without giving up your checkbook, while keeping your chef and your bar manager on budget? This is a critical system because it drops your food cost. Add to it two clipboard systems, and you’ll see a two to three point drop, guaranteed.
Those two clipboard systems are steps numbers three and four.
The key item tracker allows you to count five to 15 items on a shift-by-shift basis, put them on this list and ensure they are not being stolen.
Your waste sheet shows there’s been a mistake, and you get to fix that mistake today. This means you – or your servers, line cooks, bartenders, etc., - don't make the same dumb mistakes day after day and then wonder why your food cost is high.
Number five is to use something called the descending dollar report. You can do that right now. Call all your distributors, tell them you need a descending dollar report. Many may not want to give it to you because they think you're shopping them with another vendor. But when you put all your purchases together based on what you purchase – the most money to the least – the most money you spend to the least amount, you'll find that you're top 10 to 15 items represent as much as 50 percent of all of your purchasing. If you can find better products that are the same quality or better but at a cheaper price, all of a sudden you could find a two point change in your bottom line because these 10 to 15 items are 50 percent of your buying power.
Number six is to use the labor allotment system. This really is amazing. If the purchase allotment system told your manager how much money they can spend, what do you think the labor allotment does? It not only tells them how much money they can spend by position but how many hours. Imagine now saying to your kitchen manager, “Hey, you have 317 for next week's schedule.” If you didn’t tell them, they’d probably schedule like they always do, 350 hours. But the state fair is in town, and they've got to cut. With this kind of prediction, you can go into the week on budget instead of praying you're busy so you don’t have to send people home. If you’re doing that, it's too late.
And last but not least is the seventh system. You have to have a great training system. You can no longer give somebody the magic apron as your training tool. You know. When you hire someone who has experience somewhere else, so you give them an apron and think they’ll magically know how to work in your restaurant? I’m sorry to tell you your servers aren’t sent to you with Tinker Bell’s magic pixie dust and all of a sudden – magically are a great employee. You have to teach them your system, your process, your way, your hospitality, your cost saving, your steps of service. If you want it done your way, you have to show them your way.
If you want to make change in your business and make more money right now, you need:
- A budget
- The purchase allotment system
- Key item report
- Waste sheet
- Descending dollar report
- Labor allotment system
- A great training systems in place
If you want your path over the next three to six months be a path to prosperity, follow these seven steps and you will get there.
I cover systems like this and more in my book? Order your copy of Restaurant Prosperity Formula: What Successful Restaurateurs Do here.
If you would like to learn more about the importance of systems and how to run a restaurant, read our free special report, Is Your Food Distributor Screwing You? 5 Things You Can Do Now to Lower Food Cost. Download it here. Be sure to visit my YouTube channel for more helpful restaurant management video tips.