Restaurant Customer Service Following Jill Raff's Inside Out Framework

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Restaurant Customer Service Following Jill Raff's Inside Out Framework

Restaurant customer service is everything in the hospitality industry. When done right, your guests have an experience that creates memories, which are only enhanced by your service. For this episode of The Restaurant Prosperity Formula, I talk with Jill Raff, a highly experienced customer experience strategist and author. Jill has a long list of restaurant experience that started in her family’s McDonald’s restaurant, store #150 in Ocala, Fla. She graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, and worked in Harrods of London’s pastry kitchen as well as the 1-star Michelin Guido Ristorante, in Piemonte, Italy. You could say that Jill has done it all from “McDonald’s to Michelin.” Click below to Listen in as Jill and I talk about how to offer an outstanding customer experience following her inside out framework.

Jill was literally born into the restaurant industry. Her parents and grandparents were McDonald's owner operators and their first store was store 150 in Ocala, Fla. Then when she was nine months, they moved to Columbus, Georgia, where they opened and brought McDonald's to that region as well. She grew up hearing the values, principles, work ethic through Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s franchise operation. She went to conventions and watched the progress of the company from manual to automation, including the importance of systematizing everything for duplication over and over again.

  • Listen in on this conversation to hear:
  • How important her parents were in establishing what she does
  • How as a restaurant owner, what you do is more telling of the culture than what you say
  • What EX means and how it relates to CX
  • Why restaurant owners should focus inside to outside, in that order
  • Why her inside out framework is so important to restaurants and hospitality
  • How restaurant employees can be advocates for your business and customer magnets
  • How this information can help you in today’s labor shortage
  • How to incorporate the inside out framework throughout the business, starting at hiring
  • A discussion about the importance of core values and company culture
  • What to do if you’re stuck as an owner and don’t know what to do to help your business
  • About tools to help you and your managers communicate better
  • Why diversity in management is a good thing
  • How appreciation is a management style right now
  • What SHARK means and why you should care about it in your business
  • Jill’s E3 formula
  • Why leadership is so important in owning and running a restaurant

To request Jill’s “How to Double Your Restaurant’s 5-Start Yelp Reviews in 10 Days,” visit Also on her website, Jill has an employee churn calculator on her website where you can put in your own numbers to see how it impacts your specific business.

Click the podcast player above to listen in, or you can watch the video on YouTubeclick here to download the latest episode

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