Marketing Strategies for Restaurants: How to Attract and Retain Customers May 16, 2023

The magic pill to restaurant success has always been increased your sales. Well, at least that's the adage, right? You can cure all ills with sales. Increase sales and if you're losing money, you're going to make money. Well, there is some truth to and there's some fallacy to that, but we're not goi...

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5 Simple Tips to Boost Your Restaurant Profit Margins Apr 18, 2023

Years ago I read some statistics put out by the National Restaurant Association that said a typical restaurant makes 5–8 cents on every dollar in sales. Who wants to work that hard for a nickel? My goal for the restaurant owners I work with in my group coaching program is 15–20%! To help you start y...

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Teach Restaurant Staff How to Upsell without Turning Off Customers May 10, 2022

Too many restaurant staff are afraid of upselling. Servers and bartenders don't want to come across as pushy, or they think they're taking advantage of the guest. When they think of upselling this way, they just won't do it. And while nobody likes to be sold to, the best salespeople are working to s...

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Example for How to Increase Restaurant Sales $250K in 1 Year May 04, 2022

Restaurant marketing is the first thing most restaurant owners think of when they want to increase restaurant sales, and I’m the first to tell you I’m not a restaurant marketer. But I can show you an example of how to increase restaurant sales by $250,000 in one year without marketing, focusing on i...

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How to Fix the #1 Reason Restaurant Customers Don’t Come Back Mar 08, 2022

Restaurant owners often think they're losing customers because of the competition. But what if I told you that while you might be losing a few to competition, it only accounts for about 9 percent of lost customers? Let’s talk about all the reasons you lose customers, the number one reason 68 percent...

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How to Increase Restaurant Sales While Slashing Costs Internally Nov 24, 2020

In normal times, restaurant owners are always looking for ways to increase sales, but today, with all the COVID-19 business restrictions, the search for ideas is more frantic. While the instinct is there to be looking to increase restaurant sales, I want to point you toward the second strategy to al...

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Use Menu Engineering to Increase Restaurant Profits Sep 11, 2019

Menu engineering is one way to increase restaurant sales. If you understand that your menu is a sales tool, you should maximize it to maximize your restaurant sales. Watch this video, or keep reading below, to learn more about menu engineering and what you need to do first to make it effective. 

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