Restaurant Transformation

Transform your restaurant to transform your life!

If you want:

  • Time away from the restaurant, time with your family and time to live a full life
  • A team of employees who know how to do their job the way you want it done
  • Confidence that things are being taken care of when you're not in the restaurant
  • Less stress and more passion
  • To know you have found a better way to run your restaurant

Sign up for this two-day learning intensive for restaurant owners in Las Vegas!

What You’ll Learn in Two Days

Everything you must know to run a restaurant that doesn't depend on you to be successful. 

  • The proven methods to control your food and labor costs
  • How to make decisions based on a budget customized to your restaurant's needs
  • How to use systems to lead your restaurant 
  • The importance of cash controls and checklists
  • The power of delegation and how to do it effectively
    How to identify and eliminate toxic employees and bad managers
  • How to run your kitchen without depending on a chef
  • How to juggle the interests of partners and family members also involved in the business
  • The technology solutions every restaurant should have in place
  • And so much more!

It's two full days dedicated to taking control of your restaurant's success. 


I Already Know I Want to Attend - Skip to Registration

Two Days:
December 4-5

Wednesday, December 4
Registration at 8:30 a.m. 
Seminar begins at 9 a.m.
Seminar ends at 6:30 p.m.
1.5 hours for lunch

Thursday, December 5
Seminar begins at 9 a.m.
Seminar ends at 6:30 p.m.
1.5 hours for lunch

MEET Las Vegas
233 South 4th St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101

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Meet Daniel

Desperate for a solution, Daniel Herrero found David Scott Peters and his Restaurant Prosperity Formula. He attended Peters’ two-day seminar for restaurant owners that gave him a new perspective on how to run a restaurant.

“David was like the Tony Robbins of restaurants,” Herrero said, laughing. “He talked about how restaurant owners needed to work on their business, not in it. That hit me hard. I had been in survival mode for so long, I couldn’t see a way out.”

At the seminar, Herrero learned about the importance of systems — from weekly inventories to waste trackers to recipe costing cards. He also realized he couldn’t do it alone. He needed to delegate.

Herrero no longer spends 14 to 16 hours a day at the restaurant. He has time for his family, and he's even planning to expand the business, with two new locations in the works.

“This process gave me my life back,” Herrero said. “I fell in love with the business again, but more importantly, I’m present for my family. That’s priceless.”

Grab Your Seats!

If you're a restaurant owner who thinks you can find the solution without help, you can keep responding to crisis after crisis, missing out on time with your family and time to enjoy your life.

You can keep being the only person who can do the work.

You can be the busiest restaurant owner out there who knows the most about their restaurant.

You can keep missing out on time with your family, your friends, and time for yourself.

Just a reminder, you never get a second chance when you miss out on life events because you were at your restaurant.

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A Power Restaurant Owner Couple

A great example of a restaurant owner team who has used my coaching and tools to transform their restaurant and their lives is Brianna and Jonathan. They invested time and money into learning how to run their restaurant with operational systems. They have completely changed their lives. With two small children, they built an extremely successful restaurant and catering business outside of Chicago. The challenge was that it required them. They had to run the restaurant. They had to do the catering jobs. If they weren’t there, the business would not run.

Fast forward to today, they have an experienced GM, a full management team, a catering manager, and they work strategically on the business every week.

They don’t run shifts.

They don’t run catering jobs. 

  • They lead the business forward using systems for every aspect of their business.
  • They train and coach their managers to execute each day to their standards, and they inspect their systems.
  • They work on budgets and marketing, things most independent restaurant owners keep having to put on the back burner because the restaurant demands too much of their time to work it.

In transforming their business, Brianna and Jonathan have transformed their lives. They have become the leaders their restaurant needs. And by the way, their second location is under way as we speak.

Ready for Transformation? Click Here!

The restaurant industry is literally one of the toughest, most unforgiving, most cutthroat, and most rewarding you’ll ever work in. 

The work that is required as an independent restaurateur can get a little overwhelming. But the stress doesn’t have to suck all your love out of the business. You just need the right systems, the right people and the willingness to change.

If you always feel like you’re in crisis mode, that the chaos never stops, like you’re endlessly putting out fires, and you feel like you’re always robbing Peter to pay Paul, what I teach during this two-day seminar will flip that script.

For every restaurant owner I work with, I set about accomplishing three main goals:
• Simplify the restaurant’s operations
• Start making more money than ever before
• Bring balance back to the owner’s life to allow them to enjoy the benefits of the first two goals

I share my expertise to totally disrupt the way you manage your business.

If you’re ready to disrupt the way your restaurant operates so you can simplify, make more money and live a life that has more balance, attend this seminar.

Register for Your Transformation!

Using the information you’ll learn at this seminar, you can stop being a prisoner to your restaurant.

You can use the restaurant to create a good income and the life of your dreams instead of living on “E” from being the only one who can get the work done right.

You’ll also learn how to create:
- Consistent profits
- Reliable cash flow
- Employees you can count on

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Avery went from burning the candle at both ends, working his pizza oven every Friday and Saturday night to never being on the schedule, working from home, walking into the restaurant only when he has his manager meeting or when he wants to. He has a fully capable restaurant management team that is helping him explode his sales, service and profitability. His fiancé is growing their catering division for added revenue, and he recently took a last-minute vacation with his fiancé, and they didn’t come home for two weeks.

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Ryan and Neely

Neely and Ryan own two restaurants in a resort beach town. Before working with me they worked endless hours and had a management team that couldn’t make a decision without asking them. This past summer season Ryan surfed every morning, taught his son how to surf, and only went into the restaurants to work on tasks he wanted to work on. Neely works the books, budgeting and marketing from home, spending time with her small kids. She also has time to expand their catering side of the business.

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Deja and Matt

Deja and Matt's brewery exploded almost overnight into a full-service restaurant with incredible sales, but the restaurant was owning them. Deja even left her teaching job to help manage the restaurant. Since working with me, Matt, a CPA, was able to work this past tax season full time, Deja was able to work on major restaurant projects, and they took a couple family trips. Their management team ran the restaurant the way they wanted it run, all while exploding their profitability.

This is a forever program. What I teach you is foundational.

Once you have this information, you can train every new general manager, kitchen manager and chef.

With what you learn during this seminar, you will have everything you need to get consistent profits, reliable cash flow, employees you can count on and the confidence that your restaurant is running exactly how you want when you’re not there.

You will walk away with a truckload of information to help you revise every facet of your business—from your core values to your budget.

At the end of two days, you’ll know why you need these systems, how to use them, and how easy it is for you to succeed.

Register for Your Transformation!

No restaurant owner opens a restaurant to go broke.

The goal is not to spend more than you make. The goal is to provide a great dining experience for your customers, a reliable job for your employees, a responsible business for your community, and a way to provide for your family.

And while you might be ringing up sales and covering most of your costs, there never seems to be enough to give more widely to the community or even to pay yourself.

In your heart you know it should be better than this. That you should be able to make sales and then pay your bills. You just can’t figure out how to get everything to balance out.

Well, you’re right!

Everything I teach in this two-day seminar is based on my 20 years of coaching restaurant owners and establishing THE formula of success. I literally teach restaurant owners every week in my restaurant coaching program how to transform their businesses so they can transform their lives. You’ll learn the systems and tools to use to pay your bills, your employees and yourself, with money leftover to grow your business.

The stories you’re reading on this page are just a sample of the restaurant owners who have used what I teach to find love for the restaurant again and to be a whole person who has a life outside of the restaurant.

You Deserve to Know This Information

What I share with you at this seminar is what I’ve learned in my 30 years plus of working in restaurants and with restaurants. It is the single proven formula that makes running a restaurant easier and more profitable. As a restaurant systems expert, I teach restaurant owners like you how to get past all the excuses and get moving on the solutions.

I hope you’re ready to finally get the relief you need so you can stop living in your restaurant and finally have the life you’ve been working for.

Register Today and Start Your Transformation

Meet Kris

Kris owns multiple BBQ restaurants in the midwest who has done incredible work and netted impressive results with his restaurants, all using what he learned through. my seminars and my coaching groups. 

Grab Your Seats!

Meet Your Seminar Teacher

I am a restaurant expert who teaches restaurant operators how to cut costs and increase profits with my trademark Restaurant Prosperity Formula™.

I’ve taught thousands of restaurant owners how to use operational systems and create a hospitality-based company culture to skyrocket their profits.

I have traveled the world teaching my formula to restaurant owners, food distributors and a variety of hospitality groups.

In my past businesses, I used this formula to rescue a multi-unit restaurant sports bar chain from bankruptcy and helped the owners sell it for a profit.

I built a restaurant management software from the ground up based on this formula and sold it to a group of investors that included satisfied software users.

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Two Day Seminar


What This Covers


  • Two seats - you and a guest attend for one price. 
  • Two days of intensive restaurant training, the Restaurant Prosperity Formula from start to finish.
  • The systems you have been missing and will immediately save you 2-3% if you use them.
  • A chance to transform your restaurant and your life. 
  • Want to bring more people? Extra seats after the first 2 are $500 each.
  • Coaching members pay $500 per seat.



LIVE the life you imagined when you opened your restaurant. And work LESS to get it.

Restaurant owners who have used the Restaurant Prosperity Formula to transform their restaurants know their trusted and competent management team is running the restaurant exactly how they want it done because their team is following the systems.

Are You Still Unsure If This Is Right for You?

If you’ve been looking for that ONE thing, the domino that will finally create momentum, this is it. You can achieve what I teach with the sales and employees you currently have, and all the same tools you have. It doesn’t require special software or new equipment. It just requires you to be willing to change your perspective.

So, let me ask you a simple question: are you ready to actually LIVE the life you imagined when you opened your restaurant? And are you willing to work LESS to have it?