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The proven formula to create the restaurant of your dreams.

Since 2003, David Scott Peters has helped restaurant owners and managers create the restaurant of their dreams. After so many years coaching independent operators, he noticed the most successful owners followed a specific pattern, which he coined the Restaurant Prosperity Formula. Now he’s teaching the formula to restaurant owners worldwide and holding them accountable through his Restaurant Prosperity Coaching. Following the formula virtually coupled with coaching ensures you will operate a profitable restaurant that also encourages a life of balance.


What is RPC?

The biggest challenge for most restaurant owners is controlling restaurant and labor costs. The second biggest challenge? Having a management team in place that will do the work needed to keep those costs under control. Restaurant Prosperity Coaching focuses on teaching independent restaurant operators exactly how to do this and how to keep it in place for a consistently profitable business. All of this is provided in a closed and positive coaching environment where restaurant owners can get their questions answered, learn from their peers and stay motivated.

The most successful restaurant owners have a coach.

A key part of the Restaurant Prosperity Formula is accountability. You might know what you need to do, but a coach will hold you to it, especially David Scott Peters.

The Restaurant Prosperity Coaching Approach

David has helped thousands of restaurant owners build the restaurant of their dreams — all while continuously training their management to do all the heavy lifting.

1. Work On Your Restaurant, Not Just In It

As a business owner, you can’t fall into the trap of “if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.” You need to create a restaurant that doesn’t depend on you to be successful. You have to be committed to working on your business, such as work on budgets, marketing, systems, developing and holding your managers accountable, versus working in it actually bussing tables, flipping burgers and managing shifts.

2. Creating Personal Freedom

Most people start their restaurant dreaming of happy guests, financial freedom and the flexibility to do what they want when they want to do it. Unfortunately, most restaurant owners find themselves handcuffed to their restaurant. The first step toward gaining the freedom you desire is to remember why you got into the business in the first place and tapping back into your passion for hospitality, the desire to create memories for your guests.

3. Developing Your Plan for Success

A restaurant that works takes care of you and your family as well as delights your guests and engages your team. Creating the restaurant of your dreams requires you to communicate your core values, develop a financial plan, implement the systems to get you there and more importantly… take action on those plans and systems.

4. Becoming the Leader Your Business Needs

Your restaurant is a direct reflection of you. How you feel about yourself, the way you think about your guests and team members and everything you do will all materialize in some form when it comes to your results. If you don’t start down the path of always learning what you don’t know and becoming better at leading your team, your business will stagnate or, worse, fail. That’s why it’s vital you develop your leadership skills each and every month.

5. Implementing the Right Systems

There’s a reason why the big-chain restaurants kick our ass, there’s a system, a process, a way to do everything in their four walls… their way. You as an independent restaurant owner have to understand you need to implement the same systems and tools they use to achieve financial success, all while being 100% operated by managers. The added benefit to this is your guests will come to expect a consistently great dining experience each and every time they visit you… which increases your sales.

6. Developing a High-Performing Management Team

The key to your success is allowing your managers to run your restaurant if you want your business to grow without being dependent on you being there. By implementing systems, training your managers to those systems and holding them accountable, you can create a team of engaged and dedicated people committed to your dream—so you can finally have the business results you deserve, all while having the freedom you’ve always wanted.

7. Always Improving Your Systems

The key to any business staying on top of their game, but especially a restaurant, is innovation! Without innovation, your restaurant will stagnate and die. The beautiful part of systematizing your restaurant is you create a culture where the details matter and one that embraces change, which means your management team will always be looking for a better way to do things.

The Restaurant Expert dedicated to your success.

David Scott Peters was an industry trailblazer in the restaurant coaching space. Many of the restaurant experts, coaches and consultants have attended David’s workshops and seminars or have been personally coached by him in their own restaurants. In fact, there are at least three restaurant software systems in the marketplace that were created to follow or directly influenced by his systems and teaching.

restaurant prosperity coaching two guys kitchen & catering

David’s systems have allowed us to grow our team and place employees in positions where everyone thrives.

Two Guys Kitchen & Catering Restaurant Prosperity CoachingTwo Guys Kitchen & Catering

Restaurant Prosperity Coaching is based on David Scott Peters’ trademarked Restaurant Prosperity Formula.

The foundation of Restaurant Prosperity Coaching — the Restaurant Prosperity Formula­™ — is the step-by-step plan to your success that covers every aspect of running a profitable restaurant that is run by your managers all while you lead the process. Each of the 23 stages of the Restaurant Prosperity Formula has been designed to enable you to make the real change you and your restaurant need to go to the next level and get the results you deserve.

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Restaurant Prosperity Formula™: What Successful Restaurateurs Do
Read the book

Restaurant Prosperity Formula: What Successful Restaurateurs Do

Restaurant owners and managers – of independents, chains and franchises alike – who read this book will learn the systems and processes the most successful restaurant owners use to make money in the restaurant industry and have freedom from their restaurants.

Download Chapter One
Free Restaurant Evaluation

How do your restaurant systems measure up?

If you want to transform how your restaurant operates and make the money you deserve, it’s time to open yourself up to examination. Let’s dig into your operations and look for your key areas of improvement. You’ll walk away with a complete evaluation and a plan for how to make it happen.

Complete the Evaluation

Implementing David's systems has changed our restaurant and our lives.

Ellie Grenauer, Glen Park Tavern

Where Can You Make Improvements?

Complete a free custom evaluation.

If you're a restaurant owner who is sick and tired of things never improving.... If you're looking for ways to get managers to do more of the work... If you're hoping to get some answers to why you aren't making the money you expect... take this free restaurant evaluation. Take 10-15 minutes to answer questions about your restaurant, and you'll receive a 25-page report with suggested solutions that match your restaurant's challenges. Click below to start your custom evaluation and get immediate answers.

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