How can a clipboard system that tracks waste have an impact on your food cost and your restaurant kitchen operations? Here are my top five reasons you need to track waste in your restaurant kitchen.
A waste tracker is a simple clipboard system. Simply print off the form and put it on a clipboard...
I know, I know, you don’t need another piece of restaurant software to add to your tech stack. But you're missing out in a big way if you don't add food costing software, especially if you're looking to control your food cost. I'm going to share with you my top five reasons you need food...
Labor costs are a real challenge for restaurants that want to make money. Restaurant owners have to battle with a lot of variables to control their labor cost and create success from things that are out of their control. For example, there is rising minimum wage – going as high as $22/hour...
If you want to control your labor cost, scheduling on budget is only half the battle. Before you start jumping into more advanced controls like dollars per labor hour worked, the second half of the battle is tracking your labor cost on a daily basis because the phrase, that which you measure...
Restaurant burnout is a real thing. The restaurant industry is consistent in its inconsistency. The ups and downs, the ins and outs, they demand a lot of energy and juggling. It’s a stressful industry, so how do you know when it’s just extreme stress or burnout, and why does it...
These past three years have led many restaurant owners and managers toward restaurant burnout. As a restaurant owner, it’s easy to have a feeling of despair that has been almost impossible to shake. Between group coaching calls, one-on-one coaching calls and discovery calls, I talk with a...
Have you ever felt like you've had the crap beat of out after a long day in your restaurant? Like you’ve gone 20 rounds with the World Champ? Has this ever made you feel like you don't want to go into your restaurant? Or maybe each day is just starting to feel uncomfortable, and you don't...
The restaurant business can eat you alive. For example, Ohio State University did a study many years ago that showed 59 percent of all restaurants fail in the first three years of business. The National Restaurant Association once reported that the average restaurant makes a nickel to 8 cents on...
Every couple of months I like to invite a restaurant owner who has benefited from my restaurant coaching program onto podcast. It’s a great chance for the restaurant owner to reflect on all the work they’ve done and the results of their work. It’s also a chance for me to take a...
A restaurant owner who builds a team of reliable and accountable restaurant managers is primed for success. When you have a team of people to lead, it gives you as the restaurant the freedom to work on the bigger, more strategic business moves. So, how do you keep this team of restaurant managers...
Over the past 20 years of coaching restaurant owners, one thing has not changed: the challenge of finding the right kitchen manager or chef for your restaurant. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself you found the right person to later find out they’re a disaster of a choice....
Hiring a restaurant manager is a challenge, but there’s no greater challenge than finding the right kitchen manager. A lot of restaurant owners look to chefs as an ideal manager in the kitchen. After all, they are people destined to help create an experience in a restaurant that results in...