How Many Restaurant Employees Do You Really Need? Apr 05, 2022

Restaurant labor costs are one thing. Having the right amount of labor to handle the business walking through the doors is a completely different thing. So how do you determine how many restaurant employees you really need? Stick with me, and I’ll give you two key indicators to use in your...

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When Commissary Kitchens Are the Right Answer for Restaurant Owners Mar 29, 2022

Do you have more than one restaurant location or a restaurant with a really strong catering business or retail outlet? Have you been wondering if a commissary kitchen would be the right next move for you? I have some hard and fast rules to help you answer when it might be a good decision to open...

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How to Run a Restaurant Business and Overcome the Fear to Persist Mar 23, 2022

Fear is an extremely powerful thing. It is the kryptonite to any entrepreneur, ultimately stopping you dead in your tracks. In the last two years, many restaurant owners have succumbed to fear because persisting through the unknown was too overwhelming.

In early March of 2022, during my Shoot the...

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How Independent Restaurants Grow from One to Two Locations Mar 22, 2022

How do you know when it's the right time to grow from one to two locations for your independent restaurant? While you want to grow, the realist in you how you are going to duplicate yourself when your current location needs you all the time. Watch this video, and I’ll teach you the five...

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The Real Reason Your Independent Restaurant Isn't Growing Mar 15, 2022

Are you feeling frustrated because you want to grow your business and there is always something in the way? Maybe you want to increase sales for the one location you have now, or maybe you want to open additional locations, yet you're stuck. For many independent restaurant owners, it’s...

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How to Make All Your Restaurant Business Dreams Come True Mar 09, 2022

In my almost 20 years of being a restaurant coach, I have learned what a restaurant owner's most important challenges are, how to fix them and how to help them make their restaurant business dreams come true. How do I do it? Restaurant owners – you – have all the power. I simply...

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How to Fix the #1 Reason Restaurant Customers Don’t Come Back Mar 08, 2022

Restaurant owners often think they're losing customers because of the competition. But what if I told you that while you might be losing a few to competition, it only accounts for about 9 percent of lost customers? Let’s talk about all the reasons you lose customers, the number one reason...

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Are Your Restaurant Employees Doing More Harm than Good Mar 01, 2022

Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something is absolutely wrong with one of your employees? Like they're doing more harm than good to your business even when, and especially when, you think they're one of your best. If you can relate, then your gut is trying to tell...

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Your Success Depends on the Restaurant Management Team You Build - Podcast #40 Feb 23, 2022

As a restaurant owner, your success hinges on you having a management team in place that knows what their job is, how to do it, how well it should be done and, most importantly, by when. This requires you to lead your management team, cultivate, coach and correct your management team, and hold...

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Three Musts for How to Manage a Restaurant Business Successfully Feb 22, 2022

Managing a restaurant has its ups and downs, many of which are out of your control. We're all familiar with these kinds of challenges, but there is one challenge that is within your control and mastering it is critical to your success: managing people. Here I want to share with you my top three...

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Daily Administration Spreadsheets Build Consistent Restaurant Management Systems Feb 15, 2022

Did you know the key to building consistent restaurant management systemS starts with a simple group of spreadsheets that only take about 15 minutes a day to complete? And did you know that if you don't track this data, you're most likely losing money? Let’s talk about these spreadsheets...

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Restaurant Owners: Stop the Stress Cycle in Your Restaurant Feb 09, 2022

Today's podcast episode topic centers around what kind of mindset shift you as a restaurant owner must follow to be the leader your restaurant needs to manage the incredible challenges our industry is facing. I'm excited to share with you how you can take control of what you can control and lead...

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