Are you struggling with what to do when it comes to feeding your restaurant staff? I have seen and experienced a lot of things in my 30-plus years in the restaurant business, including all the different ways you can go about feeding your restaurant staff. There are pros and cons to them all, so I...
Is your restaurant food cost out of control? Has the rising cost of food products started to rob you of your ability to make money in your restaurant? Are you not ready to put the time in to doing recipe costing cards? Because if not, what do you do? What can you do to lower your food costs...
A common question I get from restaurant owners is, “Why is my actual food cost so high and why is it so much more than my ideal food cost?” The second part of that question is what to do if your actual food cost is running much higher than your ideal food cost. These are age-old...
First there were business restrictions from a pandemic, then there were product shortages, then there was the Great Resignation and now inflation. This means for the past two years now you've been battling higher labor costs and higher cost of goods sold along with a bunch of profit-robbing...
Too many restaurant staff are afraid of upselling. Servers and bartenders don't want to come across as pushy, or they think they're taking advantage of the guest. When they think of upselling this way, they just won't do it. And while nobody likes to be sold to, the best salespeople are working...
Restaurant marketing is the first thing most restaurant owners think of when they want to increase restaurant sales, and I’m the first to tell you I’m not a restaurant marketer. But I can show you an example of how to increase restaurant sales by $250,000 in one year without...
Are your restaurant employees stealing from you? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the answer is yes. Stay with me to learn how you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to employee theft and what you can do about it.
This tip is not about how awful restaurant employees are and how they...
Do the words weekly inventory give you the hives? Does your mind immediately go to something else to avoid even thinking about it? If this is you, it's OK. I know you know it's important. Stay with me, and I'll share with you how you can make the process so much easier and complete a food...
I don't need to tell you that running a restaurant has always been full of challenges. You’re living it. Right now you’re dealing with costs increasing at a record pace and a real labor shortage. You already know you can't keep doing what you've always been doing. Something must...
I've been coaching restaurant owners since 2003, and I can tell you I learn every day from my members. I coach restaurant owners one on one and in a group setting. What is amazing about group coaching calls is the masterminding that goes on and how each restaurant owner helps their fellow...
Does the thought of weekly inventory send shivers down your spine? Can you hear your managers complaining and resisting now? Do you picture yourself buried in the walk-in for hours on end? Well, the good news is a restaurant that does $2 million in sales or less should absolutely be able to...
Restaurant owners often turn to marketing as the solution to their biggest challenges, not realizing that a lot of times their marketing is creating more challenges. Since my expertise is on restaurant operations and coaching restaurant owners how to become the leaders their restaurants need, I...